Airplane Game Flight Simulator

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35,7 ming ta sharh
5 mln+
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Embark on an exhilarating airport adventure with Airline Commander, a revolutionary flight simulator that redefines the world of airplane games. This immersive experience goes beyond the ordinary, allowing you to take control from takeoff to landing, build and manage your aircraft fleet, and explore the skies in a way that sets this game apart. Airplane Games Flying Features: Delve into the thrill of piloting dozens of airliners, including turbine, reaction, single deck, and double deck aircraft in this airport adventure. Unlock thousands of routes by exploring dozens of main hubs with taxiways, flying to major airports worldwide. This game boasts hundreds of realistic airports and runways, each featuring HD satellite images, maps, and worldwide navigation for an authentic aviation airplane adventure. Encounter thousands of different situations in plane flight simulator, from realistic aircraft traffic with real airlines, both on the ground and in flight, to handling various weather conditions during your airplane games. Whether you're a novice or an advanced user, the simplified flight system offers navigation help or a full flight simulation experience. Engage in realistic SID/STAR takeoff and landing procedures, utilize the pushback system, handle taxiing, and dock your aircraft in flight game. Compete to prove your skills in the competition mode, airport security check, showcasing that you're the best pilot in the virtual skies. The game reflects different times of the day with dynamic sun, moon, stars, and real-time weather conditions. Personalize your airline with a customizable livery to stand out in the skies. Airport Adventure - Time to Take Off: Begin your captivating airport adventure as a new pilot, learning the ropes of flying big aircraft. Follow the guidance of an experienced flight pilot, take off, familiarize yourself with cockpit controls, airport security check, and make safe landings. Obtain a pilot license and step into the realm of building your own airline, making Airline Commander one of the most realistic airplane games available. Expand Your Airport Security Airline Fleet: Take on contracts, fly in real-time traffic and diverse weather conditions, and earn money to expand your aircraft fleet during this thrilling airplane game. Upgrade to new and larger planes, choose additional flying routes, enhance your skills, and acquire new pilot licenses. The more you fly, the more options you have to expand and improve your airline. Realism Challenges: Not every flight is smooth, and in Airline Commander, realism is at its peak. Encounter sensor failures, instrument malfunctions, fuel tank issues, and more during your airplane games. Adapt to challenges like wind, turbulence, and fog with varying severity levels. It's a dream come true for flight simulator enthusiasts seeking an immersive and realistic experience. Simplified Flight System: For those not ready for a full simulator experience, choose a simplified flight system. Enjoy a lighter take on real flight simulation with easier takeoffs and landings during your airport adventure. Airplane games don't have to be hard, and Airline Commander caters to both experienced pilots and newcomers. Customize Your Plane: Dive into the world of aircraft customization during your airport adventure. Change the livery of every plane in your fleet and witness its beauty in stunning 3D graphics, setting Airline Commander apart from other airplane games. Airline Commander elevates realism in flight simulator games, appealing to both seasoned pilots and newcomers during this exciting airport adventure. Download now and pilot an airplane in one of the most realistic games in the simulator genre. Experience the thrill of flying like never before!
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-okt, 2024

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Improved gameplay and controls
Improved performance on lower end devices
Optimized stability for devices with lower memory