Drag to Avoid! fast splat ball

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Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

Bu oʻyin haqida

🔵 In this endless fast ball swipe game you should dodge all the blocks in a zigzag twisty road !
Don’t you think its impossible ?
You’ll be amazed to see how fast they are !

🔵 So you should attack the road like a crazy roller snake.

🔵 Magic happens when you get one of speed boosters !
Can you catch up while running so fast ?

🔵 Rush then !
This zigzag snake is about to attack the splat ball !
Aren’t you amazed ?

🔵 This is the best twisty running so far !
Also almost impossible and crazy !

🔵 Slide and dodge to catch up in this endless amazed roller zigzag world !

🔵 Hey snake !
Rush and master the magic splat ball !
Go crazy fast like nobody ever could slide like you do !

🔵 Don’t just catch up !
Make all your friends go amazed by your running attack !

🔵 This impossible roller ball is gonna swipe like crazy !

🔵 The twisty snake is going to rush and attack the zigzag road and no one else is gonna catch up !

🔵 I can tell now that its impossible to slide like that bot not for YOU !!!

🔵 You are the magic splat roller !
Dodge every single one of them !

🔵 This twisty endless running can’t beat you !
You are the swipe god !

🔵 Just rush and smoothly slide !
The endless magic is to dodge splat bricks in a swipe road !

⚡ Features ⚡
🔴 Easy to pick up
🔴 Crazy addictive
🔴 Totally free and no wifi needed
🔴 Twisty snake style road !
🔴 Fast swipe and dodge rush
🔴 Zigzag ball running
🔴 Impossible to catch up
🔴 Endless amazed roller
🔴 Magic splat slide

🔵 Come on !
🔵 Attack then !

⚡ How to play ⚡
🔵 Just drag to move and avoid hitting the bricks.
Collect coins to unlock new color themes !

Screenshot source:
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-dek, 2020

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Totally Redesigned!