Anime Boy. Dress up me, Miss!

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Do you want to spend a nice time in the company of hot anime boys? You can make anime boy wallpaper for free.
The dress up game for girls will give you a lot of unreal positive moments. This anime dress up game is completely free, no locks.
The game features a variety of outfits to create cool looks for guys. It is possible to add wings or tattoos to any character. You can take your pets or wild animals with you for a walk. You can add a mask or hat to the guy's suit to complete the look. Brutal anime boy will not leave anyone indifferent.
Alex is a tall, blue-eyed, blond man. Alex loves parties. He's a TV star. Anime boy always gets what he wants. He is confident and very cool.
Subaru is a green-eyed brown-haired anime boy with a gorgeous physique. He is an athlete, loves cars and beautiful girls.
Franklin is a brown-eyed brunette. He works as a model. He loves traveling and cool outfits.
You can dress up your cute anime boy for a walk on the beach, for a trip to the movies or a restaurant.
How to dress a guy for you on a date? Maybe in a formal suit? Or in a pirate costume? Or maybe you like a shirtless anime boy?
Pretty anime boy is waiting for you…
The dress up game features 3 characters with different appearances. The game contains different types of clothes, including suits, pants, underwear, masks, hats, shoes. If desired, you can add a bouquet of flowers to the model’s image in the dress up game. The end result can be saved and used as wallpaper or sent via messenger to friends. In the application you can create a character with wings and even horns. The dress up game will help you have fun and admire handsome guys in different images.
«I want to be a cute anime girl» - is that your motto?
If you are an anime girl, then this is your dress up game.
Choose between Alex, Subaru, and Franklin. Who will win your heart?
Try free dress up game for girls now!
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-dek, 2023

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