Remote Control for Fujitsu AC

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The app can be used to control Fujitsu air conditioners.

Despite the fact that this isn't the official Fujitsu air conditioner app, you can still control it using this remote control app.

Based on what device you have, you can choose from a variety of remote models using the app.

For Fujitsu air conditioners, we developed a remote control app that lets you operate the unit without a remote control!
This app does require an IR sensor on the phone, though.
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-iyn, 2024

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Remote Control app for Fujitsu Air Conditioner. Includes:
- Different models of Fujitsu Air Conditioner devices
- New Design
- added bluetooth control support
- Comfortable to use
- No need for the real remote control. This app is your new remote control
- Your device must support infrared sensor