DJ Music Mixer DJ Music Player

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DJ Music Mixer DJ Music Player helps to mix music with powerful tools with virtual DJ music mixer.
Easily explore music tracks with different loops where you can add and edit sounds with sound effects.
An excellent music DJ mixer makes it easy for creative people and music lovers.
Select song from local storage to play with amazing DJ mixer.

DJ Music Studio is the ultimate virtual DJ tool to mix music and songs to play with DJ.
A virtual DJ mixer with equalizer, bass booster, sound effects, disc scratch to make perfect beat music by music mix tool.
You can slide the control bar, rotate the knob, scrub the disc back and forth like in reality.
Beat maker to create your tunes.

Features :-

* High quality sound DJ mixer.
* Built in sounds on music remix pads like scratch, clap, boom and loop.
* Amazing music customize equalizer and bass booster.
* Easy to adjustable DJ mix volume and individual DJ music player.
* Select songs from local storage to play with DJ mixer.
* DJ mix recorder for DJ songs where you can play easily.
* Drum pad with add music, music effects sound and record.
* Rotate disc and play remix, backward, forward.
* Stylish drum pads like drum pads, electric drum pads, multi drum pads, hip hop drum, kick drum and more.
* Beat maker with beats, bass, pads, lead to record.
* Latest ringtone collection to play and set as ringtone and notification.
* Show all recorded music creation at one place.
Oxirgi yangilanish
2-apr, 2024

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