Creative Rhythm Metronome

28 ta sharh
1 ming+
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Are you a serious musician looking to take your practice to the next level? Look no further than Creative Rhythm Metronome, the must-have tool for every musician. With a wide range of tempo options (20-600 bpm) and advanced rhythmic capabilities, you'll be able to master the rhythm of short complex sections, explore your practice in imaginative ways, and even use it as a compositional aid.

Our carefully designed app is simple yet powerful, with customizable presets that allow you to save your favorite settings, automatic speed trainer to help you gradually increase your speed, and 3D animations and sounds that make practice more fun than ever. You can even build custom bars with interesting rhythms to create your own unique sound.

But don't just take our word for it - Creative Rhythm Metronome is used worldwide and claimed by many musicians and teachers as the best metronome. It's been used for everything from meditation to CPR training, and even to detect the bpm of a song or measure heart rate.

- Build a custom bar with different rhythms per beat
- Accurate Timing
- Up to 600 bpm, the tempo for speed freaks
- 3D Animated
- Accent every x beats
- Rhythm Subdivisions
- Stereo sound, left channel is the normal metronome, right is the rhythms
- Customizable presets (save your favorite settings)
- Automatic Speed Trainer.

Privacy is important to us, which is why we only need the "Read only access to phone state" permission to keep playing while returning to the home screen or opening another app, and to be able to stop sound immediately when a phone call is detected. You can read our complete privacy policy here.

NOTE: If you run into any issues, have questions or suggestions, please email us to or through

Download Creative Rhythm Metronome now and take your instrument practice to the next level. Whether you're a pianist, drummer, guitarist, or any other musician, you won't find a more comprehensive or user-friendly metronome app on the market.
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-avg, 2023

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Dastur ishlab chiquvchilar axborot ulashilishini qanday aytishi haqida batafsil
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- Updated internal libraries