Don't touch my phone

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Congratulations on finding Don't Touch My Phone, an advanced anti-theft application meticulously crafted to safeguard your device and protect it from unauthorized access. With cutting-edge anti-spy detection technology, this app can identify and deter potential phone thieves, providing you with peace of mind.

Key features of Don't Touch My Phone include:

- A variety of sound alerts to choose from
- Simple activation and deactivation of the phone alert
- Flash modes for the alarm: disco and SOS
- Customizable vibration patterns while the phone is ringing
- Adjustable volume for the motion alarm
- Setting the duration for the intruder alert
- User-friendly interface for easy navigation

Explore our range of sound options, including police sirens, doorbell chimes, baby laughter, alarm clocks, train bells, whistles, and rooster crows.

What sets Don't Touch My Phone apart?

- Detect thieves using the anti-theft alarm: Any touch on your phone triggers the alarm, with options to personalize flash modes and vibration patterns. Adjust the volume and duration of the anti-theft siren according to your preferences.
- Maintain the security of your phone's privacy: Prevent unauthorized access to your device and protect your private data with the security alarm feature.
- Safeguard your phone against theft: Whether you're traveling abroad or concerned about pickpocketing, this app's motion alert system detects any attempts to touch your phone and activates the alarm to deter thieves.

How does it work?

Don't Touch My Phone - Alarm is incredibly user-friendly. Simply download the app, grant necessary permissions, and follow these steps:
1. Select your preferred ringing sound.
2. Customize the duration, volume, flash modes, and vibration settings.
3. Apply the changes and activate or deactivate the alert from the home screen.

Experience enhanced phone security with Don't Touch My Phone. Never worry about misplacing your device again. Try it today and enjoy peace of mind!

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment. We'll respond promptly. Thank you for your support!
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-may, 2024

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GravityX Studio – boshqa ilovalar