Popping Bubbles

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If you are ready for classic bubble bursting fun, then you need to play Popping Bubbles! In this fun casual free game for players of all ages, you must pop the multi colored bubbles before they reach the top of the screen. Watch out for the toxic gas bubbles!

Game play is simple. Multi colored bubbles float up from the bottom of the screen. You must poke them with your finger before they float away. If you pop 4 bubbles in a row without them getting away, you will score an epic combination move and unlock thunder mode with golden bubbles! Pop the gold bubbles for extra points! In the higher levels, toxic gas bubbles will appear. If you poke them you lose points, so avoid the gas!

Popping Bubbles features five gameplay modes for players of all skill levels. There are the standard easy, medium, and hard levels which include global high scores leaderboards and achievements. Then there are the casual and endless bubbles modes for new and less experienced players. There is also the Thunder Bubbles mode if you want to try something fun and different. Popping Bubbles has something for everybody!

Popping Bubbles from Ape Apps is the ultimate bubble popping game! Geared towards players of any age group, you will have fun as you burst bubbles in this incredible hand eye coordination game.

I am always looking to improve my games, so if you have any suggestions on how to make Popping Bubbles better, please leave a comment or drop me an e-mail. This game is for you guys! Help me make Popping Bubbles the best free game on the market!
Oxirgi yangilanish
28-okt, 2024

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