Random number generator(RNG)

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10 ming+
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Random number generator(RNG) is randomizer that can generate random number, lottery numbers, random generator for dice, groups, password & random name picker.

Random number generator can create a list of numbers then pick a random number from that list with repeat or no repeat option.

Random number generator can create a list of names then pick randomly a name or even multi-names from that list.

Random number generator can generate random groups with unlimited numbers of inputs and outputs, the app can suggest a number of groups that valid for inputs.

Random number generator can roll up to 999 dice randomly and pick second random list of dice from the original main group.

Random number generator can create powerful passwords, this section has many options like type of letters, symbols, length, strength.

Easy to create a random set of lottery numbers, lottery random generator section can generate lottery numbers for:

- 5 of 36.
- 5 of 47.
- 6 of 45.
- 6 of 49.
- 6 of 59.
- 7 of 49.
- 12 of 24 (12/24).

Daily lucky numbers generator section has 4 fields fully controllable, the first filed is "Yes" or "No", the others behave as a single random number generator, data can be generated automatically once per day or recreate data manually by user at any time.

You can share or copy any number, groups, dice, password created by our Random number generator.
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-mar, 2024

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