Volume Unlock, 'power button!"

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If your device has a broken power key, you can use Volume Unlock instead it. Volume Unlock will help you wake the lock screen so you can interact with the screen.

No need to repair hardware too soon when can be fixed with software.

Volume Unlock (Power) is a android utility app which will help devices with broken power key or issues like restarting the device on power key press (Like moto e first gen).

This app can be used for making the volume button to work as a power button to wake up the screen. Functionality supported by this application are:
1. Volume button to Screen on.
2. Screen off from Notification click.
3. Autostart app on restarting the device.

Volume Unlock (Power) Uses Device Administrator Permission to lock the device, once device admin permission is given user can not uninstall the Application normally, please use the uninstall option provided or go to Device administration settings and uncheck the Volume unlock to uninstall the application normally.
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-avg, 2024

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★stability improvement *ATTEMPTED✔