Smart Flashlight

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Brighter, more powerful and convenient Flash Light ~!
Free install 'Smart Flashlight'.

'Smart Flashlight' is
- Brighter and powerful Flash Light.
- If you run this app that will turns on the Flash Light automatically.
- Easy-to-use interface.
- Not only camera flash
You can use the smartphone screen as a Light.
- When using the smartphone screen as a Light, you can select various colors.
- Morse Code Sending is also very useful.

'Smart Flashlight' is
an essential App for you.
Download the powerful and brigher 'Smart Flashlight' now and use it conveniently.

'Smart Flashlight' is a free app.

Depending on the capabilities of your smartphone, the camera flash may respond slightly slower.
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-yan, 2022

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