Archos Remote Control

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Archos Remote Control allows you to control an Archos device 101XS (Gen10), 80G9, 101G9 (Gen9) or 28it, 32it, 35, 43it, 70it, 101it (Gen8) from another Android device, through your Wi-Fi network.

It is compatible with all Android devices running Android 1.6 or later.
The Archos device you want to control must be connected to the same Wi-Fi network as the device running Archos Remote Control.

The Archos Internet Tablet must run firmware 4.0.24 for Gen10, firmware 4.0.25 for Gen9, firmware 2.4.83 for Gen8.

Hint: when connected to the Archos, the volume buttons of the phone control the volume of the Archos.
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-okt, 2012

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Version 2.3.6 (October 25th, 2012)
- New touchpad with multitouch support (only works if the remote device is an Archos G9 or G10 tablet with firmware version 4.0.24 or above)
- Allow to change from one tab to the other with swipe gesture
- Set the bottom keys to Android 4.x keys (back,home,recent,menu,notifications) when controlling an Android 4.x Archos device
- Fix UI layout on large phones (Samsung SIII, HTC one X, HTC Sensation, Galaxy Nexus, etc.)