FixIt - A Marble Run Puzzle

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481 ta sharh
50 ming+
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Oh no, the marble run pieces have gotten mixed up! Can you put them back in the right order by clicking to rotate each piece? FixIt is a fun game for all ages that trains your logic and concentration. With three difficulty levels and numerous stages, it offers a continuous challenge from easy to hard.

🌟 Features:

  • 🧩 Three difficulty levels: easy, medium, and hard

  • 🎮 Many exciting levels

  • 🧠 Trains logic and concentration

  • 👶👵 Fun for all ages

  • 🔄 Rotatable track pieces for tricky challenges

📖 Instructions:

  1. Create a continuous path between the marble and the goal.

  2. Click to rotate each track piece.

  3. Click the marble to test the track. Can you reach the goal?

🔓 You can unlock the free app to play without ads.

Are you ready to guide every marble to the goal? As the levels get harder, more track pieces will appear on the field. It's up to you to rotate the right pieces and bring the marble to the goal. Download FixIt now and find out!
Oxirgi yangilanish
28-okt, 2024

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