Cat Doctor: ASMR Salon Makeup

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176 ta sharh
100 ming+
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T (13+)

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Cat Game is specially dedicated to lovers make your own salon games where you can makeover your ASMR doctor cat and enjoy sounds make your pet look fresh and clean use different types of makeup tools to enhance the beauty of your cat simulator. Play the role of ASMR doctor for the face surgery in pet simulator. Makeover cat in ASMR games you will fall in love with pet noises in the cat game.

In the ASMR makeup salon game adopt adorable pets with beautiful cats, dogs, teddy bears and bears who are waiting for your empathy and wellness keep them clean with water to make them ready for a cat makeover. In this cat games, pets are homeless they need your attention and they hope that someone will rescue them. By playing this ASMR games raise the rescued cats like your own cat and feel relaxed.

How To Play:
- Do regular vaccination or provide medication in ASMR doctor Game.
- Give a bath and dress up in clothes appropriate for the occasion.
- Select the pets that you would like to rescue and take care.
- To groom properly, follow steps and choose right tools for job.
- Examine pets skin, ears, nails, and another body part regularly.
- Experience the soothing and delightful sounds in ASMR Games.

Make your ASMR pet skin infection free by using different surgical tools to do skin surgery and pet makeover in ASMR games. Once you are done with pet ASMR makeup dress up beautifully in the cat simulator and pet salon games. Examine parts like the face, feet, ears, legs, and eyes of adorable cat games to give them the right treatment and use different tools for the infection.

- Choose the ASMR cat which you want to makeover
- Select Surgery tools according to the need in the cat game.
- Examine all pets body parts ASMR like skin, face, ears, etc
- Dress up rescued pets once they are washed and makeover
- Makeover Makeup pets in the ASMR salon games

Download the cat game ASMR salon games and enjoy the most beautiful cat simulator noise of rescue pets in ASMR games.
Oxirgi yangilanish
2-avg, 2024

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Choose the ASMR cat which you want to makeover
Select Surgery tools according to the need in the cat game.
Examine all the body parts of cat ASMR like skin, face, ears, and nails
Dress up rescued cats once they are washed and makeover
Makeover ASMR cat in the pet salon