Learn Fruits and Vegetables

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Learn Fruits and Vegetables Names: Fun and Educational Game for Kids!

This engaging educational game helps the whole family, especially kids, toddlers, elderly, and individuals with cognitive impairments, learn the names of fruits and vegetables while promoting healthy eating habits.

Multilingual Learning:

The app features voices in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese, with text in even more languages! Learn to read and pronounce the names of fruits and vegetables in several languages.

Healthy Eating through Play:

Kids can learn about healthy eating in a fun and interactive way with real photos of fruits and vegetables. Feed your virtual pet with healthy food and encourage responsibility and balanced nutrition!

Interactive Educational Activities:

Learn through activities that teach about shapes, colors, and sizes. The randomized order of elements promotes cognitive flexibility and memory reinforcement in both kids, toddlers and elderly.

Cognitive Development:

This app is designed to enhance cognitive skills such as memory, recognition, and language learning. Educational games help kids understand new vocabulary and the importance of healthy eating while improving their memory and reading skills.

Key Features:

★ 100% FREE: No locked content, enjoy all features for free.

★ Learn Fruits and Vegetables: Fun games to help kids recognize and name fruits and vegetables.

★ Improve Logic and Agility: Engaging activities that boost cognitive development and logic.

★ Simple and Intuitive Design: Easy to navigate for kids and toddlers alike.

★ Multilingual Support: Voices in several languages and text available in many more!

★ Educational and Fun: Perfect for learning healthy habits while playing.

★ Develop Memory and Concentration: Activities designed to enhance memory, recognition, and concentration.

★ Compatible Across Devices: Supports all screen sizes and resolutions for a smooth experience.

Love Our App?

If you enjoy our free educational app, please take a moment to leave a review on Google Play. Your feedback helps us improve and develop new, fun learning games!
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-okt, 2024

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