PowerAlert+ Battery Percentage

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309 ta sharh
10 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
M (17+)

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The battery percentage notifier is an elegantly designed app with the best way to know your actual battery capacity and statistics such as battery level, voltage, and temperature.

The app Show battery level on screen with digital clock & battery charge level shows your current battery in percentage. All this can be customized with your choice of text colors and backgrounds.

One of the best things about battery notifier save energy is its ability to customize the notification level. You can set the notification level to any percentage you want, whether it is 10%, 20%, or any other value. Once the battery percentage reach this level, the app will send you a notification so that you can take action to preserve the battery life.

Let’s check the features of this battery notification app.

Battery Alarm- stop unnecessary charging
Battery Information- easily check all information about your battery
Fully charged- battery fully charged alarm
Customize settings- change the settings if needed
Multi-languages- supports all major languages

Other Features
Simple and easy User Interface
Battery level warning
Low and full battery alarm
Charging prediction how long until full charge
Support multiple screen Size
Different colors are available
Internal memory usage

You don’t need a battery saver, battery monitor, battery widget, or any other battery app anymore, just install this watch battery notification application.

For any query regarding this battery percentage notifier app, you can contact us at: dreamxplus90@gmail.com.
Oxirgi yangilanish
11-may, 2023

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