Video Slots: Wizards v Witches

150 ta sharh
10 ming+
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T (13+)

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Play Magic video slots 🧙 A visually stunning & casino machine featuring animated wizards & witches.
Super fast spinning reels
Take a journey back through time when all was mystical & magical.
This latest app brings some well known mystic characters battling out their magic winning you a virtual fortune . Characters are stacked wild meaning that they act like WILDs but can group more than one together if they appear on a pay line.
For every stackable WILD it multiplies again & again.

More than one stacked character invokes super magical spellbound feature where they battle out their magical spells.
Character with most stacks wins then multiplies again by how many wizards & witches fight.
GANDALF from Tolkien's Middle Earth, Scary evil Wicked Witch from the land of OZ & MERLIN & MELLISANDRE from the dark ages of King Arthur & Knights & Round Table.
Each one has its own unique skill, visualized by animations.
Gandalf flies through sky on an Eagle, Merlin uses his staff & orb firing lightning, Wicked Witch & her evil scary cauldron creates nasty scary spells & Mellisandre a beautiful temptress and her power over elements, mainly fire.
Other items to look out for are MAGIC WAND, MYSTIC MOON SPELL BOOK & MYSTERY BAR. OZ WAND= scatter.
3 + wand scatters anywhere on screen will invoke FREESPIN FEATURE: Moon doubles or treble substituted symbol SPELL BOOK
Oxirgi yangilanish
2-sen, 2023

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