Real Darbuka

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48,7 ming ta sharh
10 mln+
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Realistic Oriental Drums:
Darbuka, Darbouka, Doumbek, Tabla, African Djembe, Baraban, Bongos, Riq, Bandir and more...


- Powerful touch

- Groove/Beat/Rhythm Maker.

- Create your own custom grooves.

- Included all top oriental rhythm examples.

- Change tempo/bpm in real-time.

- Multi-channel mixer for controlling and mixing the beat.

- Tap tempo detector.

- Provides accurate measures by taking an Average BPM

- High-quality graphics.

- Over 20 high-quality Darbuka and oriental drum sounds.

- Play with any song

- High-quality recording WAV File for creating your own loops

- Support Screen Recording with external mic recording

- Including multitouch and high-quality drumming darbuka for more realistic.

- high-level effects reverb.

- Ululation.

-Real Drum set

Recommended - For high quality connect the device to speakers or headphones.

Darbukas, also known as Chalice Drums, Tarabukas, Debukas, Doumbeks, Dumbecs, Dumbegs, Dumbeleks, Toumperlekis, and Tablahs, are Arabic percussion instruments. It is a single-headed membranophone with a goblet-shaped body that is most frequently used in the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, and Eastern Europe. African Djembe-Wassolou and Darbuka together produce strong and distinctive rhythms.

The gadget should be connected to speakers or headphones for the greatest sound quality. The Darbuka lets you build your own creative grooves, change the tempo/BPM in real-time, and feature all of the best Oriental rhythm samples. Additionally, it has a tap tempo detector, and a multi-channel mixer for controlling and blending the beat, and it delivers an exact measurement by taking an average BPM. Additionally, it has over 20 premium Darbuka.

For the best possible experience, it is recommended to connect the device to speakers or headphones for high-quality sound. The Darbuka includes all top Oriental rhythms examples and allows you to create your own custom grooves, as well as adjust the tempo/BPM in real-time. It also features a multi-channel mixer for controlling and mixing the beat, a tap tempo detector, and provides an accurate measure by taking an Average BPM. Plus, it has over 20 high-quality Darbuka and Oriental drum sounds, the ability to play with any song, a high-quality recording WAV file for creating your own loops, support for screen recording with external mic recording, multitouch and high-quality drumming Darbuka for more realism, and high-level effects reverb and ululation.
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-iyl, 2024

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