Medicine Dictionary

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Medical Dictionary app is a comprehensive tool for medical professionals, students, and individuals interested in medical terminology in English. It provides quick and easy access to thousands of medical terms, their definitions, usage examples, synonyms, and related terms. The intuitive search function allows you to find the medical term you are looking for quickly, even if you are not sure of the exact spelling.

Our app also includes features to aid in learning medical terms, such as the ability to save searched terms in lists for later review. It covers a wide range of medical fields, such as general medicine, surgery, pharmacology, gynecology, pediatrics and many more.

In addition, the app is designed to be used by medical professionals and students, providing detailed definitions and information on various diseases, medications, medical procedures and medical equipment. It also allows searching for terms using different medical fields for better search accuracy.

Furthermore, the app is also optimized for use on various mobile devices, whether it's on a phone or a tablet, allowing for convenient and comfortable use at any time, even in emergency situations or during medical consultations.

In summary, our Medical Dictionary app is a valuable resource for medical professionals, students, and individuals interested in medical terminology in English, with useful features for learning medical terms, improving understanding of different medical fields, and convenient use on various mobile devices.
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-sen, 2023

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