Bitla Agent Connect

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Bitla AgentConnect is the single login gateway for Bus Ticketing Agents to book tickets with country-wide Bus Operators. It helps Agents to increase their income from commissions and keeps them updated about the Bus Operators’ fleet and the new routes they start. In addition, it manages the commission reports from each Bus Operator without any hassle.
Utilise Bitla’s vast pool of Bus Operators in existing and new routes to grow your ticket sales at an unexpected growth rate:

Collaboration Platform: With AgentConnect, collaboration is seamless and efficient. Agents can check out the commissions the Operators offer on any route and accordingly decide to book tickets for their customers, without connecting with each operator personally.

Commission Management: With commission reports, agents can easily manage the details on commissions earned and receivable from each Operator they have made the bookings.

Prepaid Wallet: With the prepaid wallet facility an agent can easily make instant bookings with any operator. Once the booking is done the commission gets automatically adjusted from the wallet.
Postpaid Account: The bus operators with whom an agent is authorized to be a direct agent, can maintain a postpaid account.

Single Sign-On: With Bitla Agent Connect’s single sign-on, an agent can book tickets with Pan India Bus Operators. So, now every bus ticketing agent is a Pan-India agent.

Bitla Agent Connect, an agent can increase their income, manage commissions hassle-free and get updates on new routes. So, being a bus ticket agent isn’t a struggle anymore.

Join the thousands of agents who have already embraced Bitla AgentConnect and experience the difference for yourself.

Experience the difference with Bitla Agent Connect today!
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-okt, 2024

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