C64 Dig Dug

Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

Bu oʻyin haqida

C64 Dig Dug is a maze video game.

Controlling the titular character, the player’s objective is to eliminate the enemies on each screen: these being Pookas, red tomato-like creatures with comically large goggles, and Fygars, green dragons that can breathe fire.

Dig Dug can defeat these enemies by using a bike pump to inflate them with air until they explode, or by crushing them under large falling rocks.

Bonus points are awarded for squashing multiple enemies with a single rock, and dropping two rocks in a stage will cause a bonus item to appear in the middle of the screen, which can be eaten for points. O

nce all the enemies have been defeated, Dig Dug will progress to the next stage.

For everyone who likes or used to play the C64 / ZX Spectrum / Atari / Apple II / MSX / BBC Micro / Acorn Electron games.

This game brings back old times, is completely off-line playable and is lot's of fun.

Enjoy it as much as we do!
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-avg, 2023

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