C64 Uridium

Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

Bu oʻyin haqida

C64 Uridium, One of the best arcade games ever.

The solar system is under attack! Enemy Super-Dreadnoughts have been placed in orbit around each of the fifteen planets in this galactic sector.

They are draining mineral resources from the planetary cores for use in their interstellar power units. Each Super-Dreadnought seeks out a different metal for its metal converter.

Your Manta class Space Fighter will be transported to each planet in turn and it is your task to destroy each Dreadnought.
First you must attack the defensive screen of enemy fighters, then you must neutralise the majority of surface defences before you land on the Super-Dreadnought's master runway.

Once on board you must pull as many fuel rods as possible from the metal converters before you take off for a final strafing run as the Dreadnought vaporises into the ether.
Some deep mines are flooded, forcing players to hover safely above the water. In later levels, monsters strike out from below the water.
Some mine sections are illuminated by lanterns. If the lantern is somehow destroyed, the layout of that section becomes invisible. Exploding dynamite lights up the mine for a brief time.

For everyone who likes or used to play the C64 / ZX Spectrum / Atari / Apple II / MSX / BBC Micro / Acorn Electron games.

This game brings back old times, is completely off-line playable and is lot's of fun.

Enjoy it as much as we do!
Oxirgi yangilanish
19-yan, 2023

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Google Play “Butun oila uchun” dasturi qoidalariga amal qiladi

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Initial release