Catvision Smart Remote

1 ming+
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Control your Catvision Set Top Box at your fingertips with our all-new Catvision Remote application. We understand that it is frustrating losing your STB remote just when your favorite show will be telecasted. Well, the days of worry are gone! With this mobile app, you can control your entire STB with a few clicks on your smartphone. And you know what the best part is? The Catvision Remote application is totally free and requires no user registration. All you need is a smartphone, and boom, you are all set to have a remote-free experience.

What makes a Catvision Remote special?

=> Scroll through your channels with Channel Up-Down Control
=> Menu Button with Multi-directional controls
=> Adjusting Volume becomes easy with Volume Adjustment Buttons
=> Power ON/OFF Control
=> Muting/Unmuting feature
=> Jump to your favorite channels with Number Keypad
=> Ads free application

A handy remote for all times
No Internet Connectivity required
Offline Universal Remote for Catvision STB
Decent Design with Interactive UI
Easily accessible and shareable
No subscription, No Registration, No Additional Charges!

Samsung S4/S5/S6/S6 Edge/Note 3/Note 4,
HTC One Series,
Mi 4/Mi 4c/Mi 5/Mi 5S Plus/Mi 5C/Mi 5X/Mi 6,
Redmi 4/Redmi 4A/Redmi 4X, Redmi Note 2/Redmi Note 3/Redmi Note4/Redmi Note4X/Redmi Note 5A,Redmi 6, Redmi Note 6, Redmi 7, Redmi Note 7/ Pro, Redmi 8, Redmi Note 8/Pro, Redmi 9, Redmi Note 9/Pro, Redmi 10, Redmi Note 10/Pro
Huawei Honor 3/6/6 plus
Oxirgi yangilanish
10-iyl, 2022

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