Happy Card Party:Lightning Uno

Reklamalar mavjud
5 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

Bu oʻyin haqida

Based on the traditional uno game, a new lightning mode gameplay is added, which makes players full of freshness and feel different joys in classic and new gameplay.
***Introduction to gameplay***
*** In the single-player two-player battle mode, players can simply fight one-on-one with another player.
*** In lightning mode, players will quickly play the game with two other players. There are no special cards. Players will understand the specific cards after entering the game.
*** The last mode is multiplayer brawl, where players enter with three players for joyful card interaction, a happy and interesting game.
---completely free
---No need to connect to wifi
---Very interesting and fun for all ages
---The playing cards are composed of 4 colors and the picture is very beautiful.
---Multiple game modes to choose from

This is a stand-alone game, and the players in it are not real. However, don't underestimate the wisdom of the computer. It’s not certain whether you can win or not. Come and play together~~~
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-iyl, 2024

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