Puzzle Mole - The Logic Game

Reklamalar mavjudIlova ichida xaridlar
5 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

Bu oʻyin haqida

The shortsighted Mr. P. Mole needs your help to get back to his home at the bottom of the burrow. Slide away the blocks that hinders his path and get him all the vegetables on the way home before they rot! Be careful to avoid those annoying scorpions, bats and spiders!
Exercise and test your brainpower In this unique sliding block logic game where you don't control the main character, but his surroundings instead.
Explore 60 levels of increasing difficulty, unlock new worlds with new game mechanics, and get hooked with this awesome puzzle game.

How to play:
-Guide Mr. P. Mole safely to the red door
-Horizontal Blocks can be moved left and right
-Vertical Blocks can move up and down
-Eat as many vegetables in your way home
-Each time you touch a block, you lose a move, when all moves are depleted, remaining vegetables will rot and disappear.
-The more vegetables you eat, the more stars you win when clearing the level.
-Use earned stars to unlock new worlds, with new surprising game mechanics

-Exercise your brain with 60 creative puzzles
-4 beautiful worlds, each with its own variation of the game formula
-Intuitive gameplay
-Challenging difficulty for adults and kids alike
-Colorful and cute graphics and characters
-Fun and addictive gameplay
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-okt, 2021

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