Frequency Sound Generator

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216 ta sharh
10 ming+
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If you want to generate sounds and listen to the generated sounds in different frequencies then you need to have this frequency sound generator to produce sound waves in different types of frequencies.

Frequency Sound Generator is an easy and simple to use sound wave generator and frequency oscillator. It allows you to generate a sine, square or saw tooth and triangle sound wave with frequency ranging from 1Hz to 22000 Hz (hertz). You can also set your desired frequency by pressing +/- “Step” buttons.

In the frequency generator app settings, you can choose if you want the frequency sound to continue playing in the background when you minimize theFrequency Sound Generator app.

This app allows you to easily change the sound waves ,Simply tap on the sound wave icon the Frequency Sound Generator supports the following Sound waves types:

🔊 sine wave
🔊 square wave
🔊 saw tooth wave
🔊 triangle wave


✅ Easy to use
✅ Simple User Interface design
✅ Choose any audio and then generate the sound waves
✅ You can also set the timer
✅ Generates sine waves with their frequency.
✅ Generates Square waves with their frequency
✅ Generates Triangle waves with their frequency
✅ Creates sound waves.
✅ Tests sound frequency.

Easy to use this from this Frequency Sound Generator app you can easily generate the frequency sounds. If you like this app, share it with your friends and family.
Oxirgi yangilanish
1-sen, 2023

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