SPlay - Sing and play

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Ideal app for singer-songwriters.

If you sing and play an instrument at the same time, this app will come in handy!

You can create your own songs or transcribe existing songs to make it easier for you to sing along while playing them on your instrument.

We can write our own songs and add their chords. To give more clarity to the lyrics and chords, we have the possibility to put the lyrics in different sizes or different colors.

For example, put the major chords in one color and the minor chords in another color to make it more understandable.

Once we have the song written, we select the speed of the song and hit "Play" and the screen will automatically scroll down, allowing us to sing and play at the same time in an easy way.

Of course, you can also transcribe songs that you like to play at the same time.

These songs that you create will be saved in a local database on your phone. If you change your phone, the app gives you the possibility to export your songs (it will generate a file), and you can import those songs to your new phone, thanks to that file.

I hope you like it and enjoy it.
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-avg, 2023

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