Christian Podcast: Gospel App

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Christian Podcast App allow you to listen to the words of God from your favourite podcaster or pastor.

Christian Podcast App is Christianity podcasts player mobile application that allow you to listen to your favourite Christian Podcasts or pastor teaching or preaching the gospel of God and also have ability to search for your favourite podcasts from your favourite podcaster or pastor, watch podcasts videos and listen to Podcast Audio from the best, popular or your favourite Christian podcaster around the world and also allow you to use the app as local media files player to watch videos and listen to audio from your device file manager.

Christian Podcast App allow you to download any of the Podcast to easily locate later and play it offline without internet connection.

Search for your favourite podcasts from your best podcaster or your own podcast and add it to the App.

Available Podcasts Listed:
* English Audio Bible - Podcast
* The Naked Bible Podcast
* ESV: Through the Bible in a Year
* Joel Osteen Podcast
* 1 Year Daily Audio Bible
* A Year in the Bible with Daily Grace
* Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life® TV Audio Podcast
* Higher Ground: KJV Bible Study
* The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
* The Bible Recap
* The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
* The Book of Revelation: Bible Study
* BibleTrack Daily Reading - KJV
* Timothy Keller Sermons Podcast by Gospel in Life
* Grace to You: Radio Podcast
* Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life® TV Podcast
* Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul
* Chapter-A-Day Audio Bible
* Elevation with Steven Furtick
* The Bible Study with Steven Lawson
* Apostle Joshua Selman
* Social Dallas Podcast
* The Lord of Spirits
* The Bible Study Podcast
* BibleThinker
* And More...
* You Can Add New Podcast Yourself.

Things included in the app:
1. Search listed Podcasts
2. Search unlisted Podcast, Use "Add New Podcasts" to search for any of your favourite podcast and add it to the app
3. Download podcasts for offline Play.
4. Like Podcasts to easily locate it later in the "liked" page
5. Share button, allow you to share the Podcast with family and friends
6. Audio player - allow you to play audio media files from your device
7. Video Player - allow you to play video media files from your device
8. Switch theme to dark mode color to rest your eyes.
9. Settings

How to use and search for unlisted Podcast shows.
(A) Click on "Add New Podcasts"
(B) Enter the Podcast name, keyword or URL in the search bar
(C) Then click search/Enter
The the Podcast will popup, click on it and it will be added to the app.

Easy to use for both online and offline.

*Christian Podcast App*
Powered by Real MonEy Studio
Oxirgi yangilanish
10-avg, 2024

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