LitPhoto - Compress & Resize

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LitPhoto - Compress & Resize helps you quickly reduce your picture size or resolution. Optimize your images with a perfect balance in quality and file size. LitPhoto is also a super easy to use application to crop and rotate your photos.

LitPhoto - Compress & Resize uses smart lossy compression techniques to reduce the file size of your photos. By selectively decreasing the number of colors in the image, fewer bytes are required to store the data. The effect is nearly invisible but it makes a very large difference in file size! You don’t have to manually save resized pictures, because they are automatically saved in a separate folder titled ’LitPhoto' and are accessible via build-in Gallery app.If you want to quickly reduce the picture size, LitPhoto is a perfect choice.

Smart Image Resizer Features:
* Batch compress (multiple photos compress)
* Original pictures are not affected, compress pictures are automatically saved in the 'LitPhoto' directory
* Very good quality of the compressed photos and optional compress quality
* Rotate the photo by 90° either clockwise and then crop the photo
* Use finger to zoom/move, rotate the crop area on the photo
* Share photos with your friends via social networks:
sent via email or text message
shared to social media (Instagram, Facebook, Flickr, Google+, KakaoTalk, etc.)
* Browsing and handle your photos easily, easy to use with simple UI

Having a high definition camera on your phone with thousands of mega pixels per inch is great, but if you can't send your pictures to your friends, you might as well throw your phone and charger in the snail mailbox and ship it off to your friend, right? Never again! Shrink and Share your photos in an instant! Pictures of your kids, concerts, and even the one that didn't get away… Shrink and share it!
Oxirgi yangilanish
2-avg, 2024

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