Photo Dialer & Call Screen

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Photo Caller Screen is the perfect app for anyone who wants to customize their phone's dialer and caller screen with their favorite photos. With this app, users can easily add any photo they want as the background for their dialer and caller screen, making their phone look unique and personal.
Whether it's a photo of your family, friends, or favorite scenery, you can easily set it as the background for your dialer and caller screen. The app also provides various customization options such as adjusting the opacity of the photo, adding filters to the photo, and adding text overlays.
In addition to the customization options, Photo Caller Screen also includes a call log feature, where you can easily access your call history and see all your incoming and outgoing calls. You can also mark important calls as favorites, making it easier to quickly access them.
The app is user-friendly and easy to use, making it accessible for all levels of phone users. With Photo Caller Screen, you can add a personal touch to your phone's dialer and caller screen, making it stand out from the rest.
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-may, 2023

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