Crazycraft mod

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CrazyCraft Mod for Minecraft is basically mod you have never seen before. Grab something fresh and new full of crazy craft. Install Crazy Craft Addon and Mods for mcpe easily with easy way to install in few clicks. And it is not just a awesome, but with tons of features! This crazy mod was made with tons of amazing tools that deviate much from the minecraft style habituated. If you are a veteran player who play the same game many years, this is a mod highly recommended for you. The large number of things that exist in this mod is going to make you have a lot of play ahead, not only exploring caves. For instance, there are new structures of various types, unique mobs, weapons, and even drops that are special. Through the advent of Crazy Craft Mods for Minecraft lots of creativity and innovativeness will be introduced into your game.
It’s much crazier than usual. It adds a lot of new things, such as weapons, unique mobs, different types of structures, special types of drops and more. Explore CrazyCraft mod for mcpe and share your adventure with friends.

- A lot of crazy mods and addons
- Realistic textures
- New mobs and drops
- Regular updates

DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial app. Name brand and assets are the property of the owner Mojang AB. The application helps to install and familiarize yourself with the mod for the game Minecraft, this is not a game, but an add-on with instructions! If you feel there are trademark violations which don't fall under the "fair use" rules, please contact us by email.
Oxirgi yangilanish
2-yan, 2024

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Reytinglar va sharhlar

239 ta sharh
Behruzbek Ismonaliyev
24-oktabr, 2022
Vooooooooy blaaaaaaaaaaaa
Buni foydasi tegdimi?

Nima yangiliklar

Bug fixes, issues
App improvements
New mods

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Dasturchi haqida
Mihail Breazu
Dumitru Matcovschi street, 2 MD-4839, Chisinau Moldova

Bejan Alexandru – boshqa ilovalar