Maya - Search and Find Games

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Love search and find games? Take part in Professor Patterson's archaeological tour! Discover hidden tombs and pyramids, visit ancient temples and castles, seek and find lost artifacts in this outstanding hidden objects adventure!

This new finding objects game is TRULY FREE: you can download the full version for free and unlock every scene with no in-game purchases.

Help professor Patterson, the founder of the Astral Archeologists Society, to solve the mysteries of the Mayan civilization along with other fun participants of the tour. Your mission is to find hidden objects and artifacts in the Temple of the Sun, El Caracol, Pyramid of Kukulkan and many other maya places.

This search and find game will be interesting for both kids and adults.

There are several types of tasks:
1. Find hidden objects according to the name and by their outline.
2. Look for pairs of identical objects.
3. Look for similar objects.
4. Find the differences on the similar scenes.
5. Solve puzzles.

Good luck in your journey! Find it exciting! Train your brain with the best finding objects game. Enjoy the beauty of the abandoned cities of the ancient Mayan country!

Seek and find game features:
- Look for items in 360-degree panoramic scenes
- Unusual 3D effects and colorful animations.
- Build your collection of rewards! Go through finding objects scenes again to try new quests and get new rewards!
- No time limits, but bonuses for speed. Play as you like, relax or challenge!

If you are looking for high-quality really free search and find games, then “Maya - Finding Objects Games for Free“ is exactly what you need! Hidden objects games will challenge your searching skills and boost your focus.

Whether you like hidden object games for kids or adults, this mystery find the differences game is simply perfect for you!

We'll be happy to stay in touch with you: leave comments, ask questions and get news about coming seek and find games at our Facebook page: Look for more new hidden objects games from our studio! Trusting us you can always download new search and find games full version for free. Reveal the mystery of ancient Maya!
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-dek, 2022

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