Daily Bible Devotion - Courage

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Brave. What is it? Truth is, there is no formula and there are no rules. There is the Bible, our guidebook for all things, but other than that, being brave is organic and spiritual and a unique journey for each person.

Daily Bible Devotion is a free app that brings you daily verses, religious inspirational devotions & unlocking your courage and bravery. Receive a morning and an evening Bible verse and devotional for every day of the year.

Start and end your day meditating on God’s word with daily devotionals that are easy to understand and that you can apply to your life.

Courage is doing things even when you're scared. Being brave isn't something that happens when you're not scared anymore. Brave people don't stop hearing the whispers of fear.They hear the whispers but take action anyway.Being brave is hearing that voice of fear in your head, butsaying, "Okay, but the truth is, God made me on purpose and for a purpose. "

* Download and Get Daily Bible Devotion - Unlocking Your Courage and Bravery FREE
* Daily Devotionals works completely offline: All features are accessible without internet connection. Works offline, NO Internet connection needed.
* Daily quotes in King James Version (KJV): The fact that KJV is the truest to God means that devotions based on KJV get you the closest to God.
* Listen as you read with the built-in audio player.
* You can get a 'Quote of the day' notification everyday - Quotes for the day - Daily Quotes .
* Select and Add quotes to 'favourites' section for sending or viewing them later on - Favorite Quotes so you can find them easily
* Save your favorite devotionals to read later or to reference
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* You can share your favourite quotes via whatsapp, facebook, E-mail, naver, line and etc. Share quote images with friends.
* Share any devotional with your friends and family

SaveYour Favorites for Later
The app allows you to star your favorite devotions with a single tap and find all of them in Favorites from the left navigation menu where you could manage them just as you do with highlights,notes and bookmarks.

Share Daily Devotionals
Easily share any devotion with friends and family.

The app offers an amazing way to receive God’s message on a daily basis.

This offline devotional app good to use meditation for every day of the year. Although these devotions are short in length, they are filled with spiritual goodness.
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-apr, 2024

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