Gas and Unit Converter

20 ta sharh
5 ming+
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Cyl-Tec’s Gas and Unit Converter is a comprehensive mobile app that combines a gas convertor, a unit calculator, and a Cyl-Tec product guide all into one! A great resource for professionals in the compressed gas industry, as well as for professors, teachers, and students.

The gas converter component instantly calculates liquid or gaseous measurements for industrial gases like argon, carbon dioxide, helium, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, displaying units such as, gallons to liters, pounds to kilograms, or cubic feet to cubic meters. The unit calculator converts measurements for
area, distance, pressure, temperature, weight, and volume displaying units such as, U.S. ton to metric ton, psi to bar, feet to meters, and Fahrenheit to Celsius. The product guide section provides a quick reference listing of Cyl-Tec’s main product lines displaying specifications and model comparison lists.

Free, easy to use, and convenient when you are on the go, the Cyl-Tec Gas and Unit Converter mobile app is a must have conversion tool that doesn’t take up extra space in your pocket.
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-mar, 2022

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20 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

App logo and splash screen logo change.