Whiteboard App

5 ming+
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In this whiteboard app you can do drawing, painting and doodling is an effective way this app is very useful in online classes for explanation and it is developed for teenagers and adults. It is also a great productivity tool.

This whiteboard app is support on both mobile and tablet and easy to use on both mobile and tablet.

Popular features of this Whiteboard App:-
✔️ Easy to use
✔️ Draw and color with different digital ink colors.
✔️ There is many different color palette
✔️ If any mistake there is specific button for undo
✔️ You can generate your Signature using this app
✔️You can Draw and Sketch of any Idea that comes in your mind
✔️Easily remove or Clean board by single click
✔️ Different sizes for brush and eraser
✔️ Save your sketch design to photo gallery
✔️ It is easy to use and comfortable for stylus pen and your finger.
✔️This App is Completely free to use / Offline App

Sketch your ideas, draw some pictures, do your homework, explain math's to your child, draw drawing and write your notes in your own handwriting.
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-yan, 2022

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