En30s: 30sec English Learning

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Welcome to En30s English Learning App! En30s stands for English in 30 seconds, where you can easily improve your English skills by learning for just 30 seconds a day. We bring you a new way of learning that allows you to enhance your reading and listening skills in your spare time.

En30s provides concise summaries of articles, reducing them to four short sentences. It takes only 30 seconds to read an article, and we also offer audio for each article to help you practice your listening skills. We select over 40 categories of articles every day from thousands of websites and blogs, including current events, entertainment, sports, anime, games, and more. You can choose the topics that interest you, improving your English while staying informed about the things you care about.

Here are the main features of En30s:

Personalized content: We aim to provide content that matches your interests. You can choose articles from different categories based on your preferences, making the learning process more enjoyable and meaningful.

Micro-learning at its best: We understand the fast-paced nature of modern life, so we've condensed learning into 30-second sessions. You can learn during moments like waiting for a bus, standing in line, or during short breaks, making the most of your spare time to improve your reading and listening skills.

Personalized learning experience: Each article offers three difficulty levels: easy, medium, and hard, tailored to different proficiency levels. You can choose the level that suits your English skills and gradually enhance your reading and listening abilities.

Grammar, vocabulary, and structure analysis: We prioritize content quality over quantity. En30s analyzes the grammar, vocabulary, and structure of each sentence, helping you understand sentence construction and usage, ultimately improving your language proficiency.

Easy translation and vocabulary saving: En30s supports free text translation, allowing you to quickly understand sentence meanings without the need for additional translation tools. You can also save new vocabulary for review and memorization at any time.

En30s is the perfect choice for learning English, whether you're a beginner or have some knowledge of the language. Download En30s now!

En30s offers a variety of well-known websites and blogs in different categories, allowing you to choose learning content based on your interests. Here are some examples of categories and their popular websites and blogs:

1. Current Events:
- BBC News: https://www.bbc.com/news
- CNN: https://www.cnn.com/
- Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/

2. Entertainment News:
- Entertainment Weekly: https://ew.com/
- E! Online: https://www.eonline.com/
- Variety: https://variety.com/

3. Sports:
- ESPN: https://www.espn.com/
- Sports Illustrated: https://www.si.com/
- Bleacher Report: https://bleacherreport.com/

4. Anime:
- Anime News Network: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/
- Crunchyroll: https://www.crunchyroll.com/
- MyAnimeList: https://myanimelist.net/

5. Gaming:
- IGN: https://www.ign.com/
- GameSpot: https://www.gamespot.com/
- Kotaku: https://kotaku.com/

Please note that these are just examples, as En30s selects suitable articles for learning from thousands of websites and blogs. We continuously update and add new sources to provide diverse content options.

Download En30s and start improving your English skills within 30 seconds. Enrich your knowledge by reading about the topics you care about!
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9-avg, 2024

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