►Keep track of your dog's poop.
►Support for several dogs.
►Walks are quickly added at the push of a button. A comment can be appended to the walk.
►You can modify the poop of the walk, or you can delete an entry for a walk.
►Forgotten walks can be added.
►You can configure individually each dog how many days appear in the list, and the minimum time that must elapse between walks.
►You can view data for a particular day, or for a range of dates.
►Editing a dog, you can now choose between taking a photo, or pick an image from a file.
►On the selected dog, all comments can be searched for a text string.
►In the option to add forgotten walk, a comment can now be included directly.
►In the dog settings, you can add the dog’s date of birth, and choose whether or not to display the dog's age on the main screen.
Oxirgi yangilanish
11-yan, 2024