Sleep Music - Sounds Relax

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You have insomnia? Do you want to reduce stress and anxiety?

Relax and sleep with over 30 scientifically proven sleep sounds to help control your sleep, reduce stress and prevent insomnia and tinnitus. Use natural sounds, white noise, relaxing melodies and soothing sounds to create your own mixes. Get high quality sleep like never before!

Why These Sounds Help Sleep
Research shows that even when you are sleeping, you still hear sounds in your brain. Hence, disturbing noises like the barking of dogs and horns can wake you up. The sounds of sleep calm your brain and overwhelm unwanted noises. Not only does it help you fall asleep, but it also helps you stay asleep.

Highlight features:
- Create your own mixes of sound to relax and sleep
- Adjust the volume for each sound when creating your own mix
- Play the sound in the background
- Schedule sleep timer to automatically stop the sound
- The best companion in meditation
- No network required
- Beautiful and simple design
- High quality soothing sounds
- Sleep sounds free

Contact us if you have any questions. Thanks!
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-avg, 2023

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