Frederick: Learn to Read

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Frederick lets speakers of ANY language learn to read, spell and pronounce English through play, all in English! No translating or memorizing!

Because traditional lessons can be boring, confusing and ineffective, many students struggle to become confident readers and speakers.

So, Frederick lets learners teach themselves to read and speak English in two simple steps:

First, you compare letter combinations to develop reading skills, pronunciation and listening. Even non-native English learners can understand with pictures instead of translations.

Then, fun games let you review what you learn in different ways. So you build confidence and fluency, automatically.

Frederick teaches PHONICS (the rules of pronunciation), and SIGHT WORDS (words that break pronunciation rules). All 44 sounds of English are covered across more than 2,000 words, from the alphabet to advanced words and full sentences.

There’s a “Word Bank” where you can see all of the words you’ve found. You can also unlock all levels and modes with “Teacher Mode." This enables learners to start at the right level for their ability.

Frederick works offline, and you can easily track progress with word counters and rewards!

The first 3 levels are free:

the alphabet (Aa, Ba, Cc…)
short vowels and consonants (at, in, up…)
three-letter words (cat, bug, pig…)
Pay the one-time upgrade fee to get instant access to levels 4-35. (Upgrade within the first 30 minutes of using Frederick and get 75% off)

consonant blends (CRab, STop, deSK…)
consonant digraphs (CHip, SHip, loCK…)
ng, nk (riNG, siNK, taNK…)
al, all, el, ell, il, ill, ul, ull, le (bALL, mILk, jungLE…)
magic/silent e (lakE, linE, modE…)
long A (rAIn, mAIl, pAY, EIGHt...)
long E (sEAl, mEAl, bE, fIEld, candY, kEY...)
long I (pIE, tIE, hIGH, wIld, kInd, flY...)
long O (bOAt, gOAt, lOW, gO, fOld, vOlt...)
long U (news, boot, clue, fruit...)
aPPle (eGG, PHone, QUit...)
dOg (cAUGHt, bOUGHt, frOg, wALk...)
brEAd (hEAd, rEAd, swEAt...)
cOIn (bOIl, cOIl, bOY, jOY...)
bOOk (cOOk, fOOt, pUll, pUsh...)
clOUd (OUt, cOUch, cOW, dOWn...)
cactUs (About, Alone, tokEn, pandA...)
sYrup (crYstal, phYsics, sYstem...)
City (Cell, Cobra, Gem, draGon...)
cAR (bAR, cARd, shARp, tARt...)
chAIr (hAIR, pAIR, cARE, shARE...)
EAR (gEAR, fEAR, lEER, pIER...)
bIRd (hER, pEARl, wORk, sURf...)
fORk (fOR, bOAR, dOOR, fOUR...)
sensitIVE (actIVE, elusIVE, negatIVE...)
sWAn (sWAt, WAtch, QUAlity, sQUAt...)
miX (fiX, EXam, EXcellent, EXpel...)
likED (votED, callED, lookED...)
canS (wishES, brickS, callS...)
vulTURE (culTURE, sURE, meaSURE...)
quesTION (convenTION, educaTION, equaTION...)
siGN (GNat, KNee, coMB, WRap...)
Frederick is perfect for:

Adult English language learners who want to understand the rules of spelling and pronunciation so they can quickly reduce their accent and understand natives more easily.

Beginning English learners who want to learn all in English so they become able to speak.

Teachers and parents (even those with NO EXPERIENCE teaching reading) who want a simple, natural and fun way to teach kids or adults to read, spell and pronounce English. There are no confusing instructions in Frederick. There’s also no “system” to learn, so even a two-year-old can improve with Frederick!

Learn more:

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Thanks so much for trying Frederick! We hope you like it. :)

Praise for Frederick:
“I really love the app because it can help the students to enjoy learning English, and I recommend it to my colleagues.”
— Masashi, Jr. High Vice Principal, Japan
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-may, 2024

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