Dividend Tracker

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Dividend Tracker app allows you to create multiple lists of stocks and view their dividend payment history. You can view a stock's prospective yield based on the dividend payment history and sort your stock list by name or yield.

The app allows you to enter a number of shares owned for each stock and view annual dividends and upcoming dividend payments.

The detail screen allows you to add stock split information and notes for each symbol.

To remove a stock from your list do a long click on a stock symbol in the list.

You can delete stock categories if they are empty. Go to Settings-> Manage Lists and do a long click on a list name to bring up a List Delete dialog. A simple click will display a List Rename dialog.

Dividend Tracker can display an average dividend yield in each stock category. Go to Settings to turn this feature on.

The app displays 3-month, 6-month, 1-year and 5-year price history charts.

The stock detail screen shows 5 year average dividend, 3 and 10-year dividend growth. The app allows you to see 10 year dividend history.

An upcoming dividend pay date alert is available. It can be configured to provide a 1 to 5 day advance notice.

The app allows you to select your country in the settings which will filter search results by that country or countries. If you clear all the check boxes no filter is applied.

You can use the app both in portrait and landscape mode.
The app uses stock symbols and financial data from the Yahoo Finance.
No login is required.

If you have multiple devices, you can transfer your stock list from one device to another. Go to Settings -> Import/Export Your Stock List. Use the Export button first to save the stock list on your device or Google Drive, and then use the Import button to transfer the stock list to another device.

For markets outside U.S., you need to add a dot and an exchange symbol after a ticker, for example:

UK - .L
Canada - .TO
Italy - .MI

It is recommended to create different lists for stocks in different currencies and markets.

The app does not support preferred stocks.
Oxirgi yangilanish
8-sen, 2024

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Added: an option to export your stock list as a csv file. Available in the Settings screen.