F table

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"F table" application is developed to provide easy and accurate information to users. You can find all F critical values on a single app and easy to use table.

The F table application can be benefited in quality concerns and statistic lessons. It includes basic explanations and the F table in a usable format.

You can easily download and start to use F table application, you don’t have to carry F table or need internet connection anymore.

In order to use the F table, first select the significance level to be used, and then determine the appropriate combination of degrees of freedom. For example, if the α = 0.10 level of significance is selected, use the first F table. If there are 5 degrees of freedom in the numerator, and 7 degrees of freedom in the denominator, the F value from the table is 2.88. This means that there is exactly 0.10 of the area under the F curve that lies to the right of F = 2.88.
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-apr, 2024

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- Infrastructure update
- Bug fixes