American Car Crash Simulator3D

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1 ming+
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American Car Crash Simulator 3D is an incredibly realistic simulator of the destruction of cars. Conduct test drives of cars starting from nines and ending with modern foreign cars at dangerous landfills.


- Many Levels

- Cars are destroyed, and parts fall off

- Realistic car physics

- Realistic car deformation physics

- Stunning realistic 3D graphics

- Different levels of destruction for the machine

- Different camera modes

- Realistic car driving for the best driving simulation

- Destruction of cars

Realistic physics of destruction of cars, different types of cars and maps.

Complete missions and car stunts,

get experience and points for it to increase your car or buy a new one. This is a new car crash, the best car crash games, b drive, black russian? NO! This the best car crash games! Car crash is the best game, b drive is too, but American Car Crash Simulator 3D is the best car crash game?


- Cars fold up, and parts fall off.

- Realistic car physics

- Realistic car deformation physics

- Stunning realistic 3D graphics.

- Different difficulty levels for the car.

- different camera modes.

- Realistic car driving for the best driving simulation.

- Destruction of cars.
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-iyl, 2024

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