Princess Computer - Girls Game

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198 ta sharh
100 ming+
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Princess Computer games provides lot of learning without any stress, voice support for making your kids hear the correct pronunciation.Activity range from basics like alphabetical learning, writing words, spelling missing latter, words learning, true false. Princess computer is a magical princess phone, best choice for play house game and interactive games.

Game Includes:
1. Alphabet learning.
2. Number Learning.
3. Animal Learning.
4. Learn Vegetables
5. Shapes Learning
6. Fruits Learning
7. Know your body parts
8. Number Sequence
9. Number Counting
10. Identify Animal from voice
11. Colors learning and activity
12. Count the number of frog’s jump
13. Vehicle identifier

* Keep little ones entertained in a big way with a pretend-play Laptop can easily learn about Aptitude & Learner,Number and Alphabet
* Learning Number (1-10), Learning Letter (A-Z), Learning Relative words,Learning Letters and Number song.
* Educational Toy for Toddlers,Best game for children
* Learning Laptop toy For Kids helps to Improve the child's imagination, logical thinking, hand-eye coordination, hands-on ability. Colourful, eye-catching. Safe and environmentally friendly non-toxic.
* Princess Laptop aids in teaching children language (English), spellings, phonics & writing skills
* Teaches Spelling, Vocabulary, Mathematics and much more .Helps in alphabets recognition & pronunciation, spelling test, identification of pictures etc.
* In our endeavour to Provide the best quality Products to our esteemed Customer's Possible, we periodically make product modifications, therefore actual Product may vary a little than shown in the Images

Play with Princess in this Adventures Puzzles Game. A cute computer for girls that would change the way they learn and play.

Enjoy with Fabulous Fun
Oxirgi yangilanish
30-iyl, 2024

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