3D Bowling - The Bowling Game

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33 ta sharh
5 ming+
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Ten Pin Bowling is one of the most beloved sports and free time activities across the globe. The rules are pretty simple: take a ball with three holes in it, throw it across a wooden surface to knock down 10 bowling pins arranged in a triangular shape. So far, so good.

Of course that sounds simpler than it actually is. To reach the ultimate goal, which is a Strike naturally, you have to not only throw the bowling ball at the right angle, but also with the right amount of spin. Gladly you can add spin after you have thrown the bowling ball simply by swiping in the direction you want the ball to go.

Before stepping onto the bowling alley you can choose if you want to play against the computer or a friend on the same device. If you have nobody else to challenge and want to refine your skills against the artificial intelligence, you are able to choose between three difficulties and the length of each game.

The best way to win a game is knocking down all pins with the first throw. That’s a strike and it’s what every bowling fan is striving for. Should you not be able to achieve that you will have a second throw.

Spinning is an essential part of mastering the art of Bowling. So put your focus on that and swipe like there is no tomorrow!

- 3D Bowling
- Swiping mechanics
- Real Bowling physics
- For one or two players
- 100% free
Oxirgi yangilanish
25-sen, 2024

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29 ta sharh

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Welcome to 3D Bowling!