Sort Color Hoop

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Welcome to Sort Color Hoop Game, the ultimate game of your sorting color and puzzle game solving skills! Immerse yourself in a world of vibrant colors and challenging puzzles, where your mission is to sort and organize many kinds of colorful hoops. This addictive and visually captivating game will keep you entertained for hours on end.

This #1 Puzzle Game is relaxing, fun, and addictive. The game is simple but challenging when you climb to higher levels. The higher levels you climb, the more difficult you get. Can you solve all the puzzles in this color sort puzzle game? The only way to be the champion of this game is to play day by day to upgrade your brain IQ to win all puzzle game levels.
Key Features:
💸 It's totally FREE
🎮 Engaging Gameplay: Solving 1000+ puzzle game levels from easy ones to the most challenging levels to relax and train your brain IQ.
🎨 Mesmerizing Visuals: Enjoy the satisfying visual experience of watching colors come to life as you sort them into stunning arrangements.
🧠 Brain-Boosting Fun: Exercise your brain and enhance your puzzle game solving abilities with each level you conquer.
🌈 Diversity Hoop to Play: You can open many types of hoops, from classic ones to square-shaped ones or even a donut.
🌎 Chilling Background: Imagine sorting hoops with a relaxing background. How joyful it is, right?
🆓 Free to Play: Color Hoop Sort Puzzle Game is completely free to play, with optional in-app purchases for added convenience.
How to play
️- Tap a hoop first, then tap other pillars to move the hoop from the first pillar to the second one.
️- You can move when two pillars have the same hoop color on the top, and there’s enough space for the second pillar to be moved.
️- Each pillar could only hold a certain amount of hoops. If it’s full, no more could be moved.
️- No timer, and you can always restart when you get stuck at any time.
️- No penalties. Take it easy and just relax!

Whether you're a puzzle game enthusiast or simply looking for an enjoyable and relaxing game, Color Hoop Sort: Puzzle Game offers everything you want. Can you conquer the colorful puzzle game challenge and become the ultimate sorting champion?
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-mar, 2024

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