FlowForma Process Automation

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Welcome to the world where business processes are easily managed, where data flows exactly how it should, where bottlenecks are identified quickly, and process reports are generated with the click of a button.

FlowForma is a proven business process enablement tool. Built for business power users, it enables organisations to seamlessly build-out online processes. FlowForma is an intuitive and innovative product, sitting on the proven SharePoint platform, seamlessly integrating people and processes with custom workflows.

FlowForma’s business rules engine focuses on simplifying the complex and boasts features, such as the ability to send data to databases, looking up and passing data from lists, and connecting forms seamlessly based on rule actions. As forms are filled in, they may be saved, redirected, and actioned. A system of programmable email alerts, governed by business rules, communicates progress on forms to relevant resources. FlowForma easily integrates with 3rd party systems and is a much more cost effective solution to alternative software development services.

It supports LEAN methodologies with both real-time and historical activity reporting, allowing business managers to drill into and understand bottlenecks in their processes. It also supports ATOM feeds, enabling Power BI to leverage the data and output more complex reports.

From healthcare bodies and pharmaceutical companies, to manufacturers and professional services companies, FlowForma has developed a strong customer base across all of Europe and North America.

FlowForma Mobile app integrates with the FlowForma server to deliver forms and enable business processes for mobile devices.

For more information, visit www.flowforma.com or contact us at sales@flowforma.com.
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-fev, 2023

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+370 672 48293