Timer: Multi Timer

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155 ta sharh
10 ming+
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A simple multi timer with user friendly controls and a fast and responsive user interface. Use multiple timers, all visible on one screen at a glance, to keep track of different activities - kitchen, cooking, baking, gaming, exercise, studying, meditation etc. or any task that needs timing.

Simple to operate: tap to start, tap to stop, hold to edit. Customize many timers with different preset times and have them running all at once.

Features include:
- Each timer can be given an individual name so you know what it is for
- Different durations for each timer which can be started and stopped with just one tap
- Use colorful emoji's in your timer name so you can recognize timers at a glance
- A different color for each timer to instantly differentiate timers in the notification bar and lock screen
- Customize each timer with a different sound or ringtone so you instantly know which timer has gone off without even opening the app
- Text to speech feature to let you know which timer has completed
- Vibration in silent mode when timer expires so it doesn't disturb anyone else
- One timer can be set to fullscreen mode for a large display that can be seen from far away

- Option for both light and dark themes
- Have an unlimited number of different preset timers counting down independently on a single screen
- Each countdown timer can be individually paused and resumed
- Up to six running timers display in expanded notification area
- A heads-up notification when a timer expires so you don't have to leave what you're currently doing
- Set timer from 0 seconds up to 1000 hours (over 41 days)
- The screen can be set to stay on while a timer is running
- To use as a stopwatch: set the time period to 00:00 and it will count up

For app suggestions, feature requests or bug reports please email foonapp@gmail.com.
Oxirgi yangilanish
10-okt, 2024

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