Timestamp Camera - Watermark

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Timestamp Camera - Date, Time, and Location Watermark

Capture the moment with precision and personalization using Timestamp Camera. This feature-rich camera app allows you to imprint date, time, and location on your photos, ensuring every memory is beautifully documented. Whether you're a photography enthusiast, professional, or just someone who loves to keep memories alive, Timestamp Camera is the perfect companion.

Key Features:

📸 Date and Time Stamp: Automatically embed the current date and time on your photos and videos. Preserve the chronological order of your memories effortlessly.

📍 Location Tagging: Add a geographic touch to your photos by including the location details. Perfect for travel photos, events, and exploring new places.

✒️ Custom Watermark: Make your mark on your photos. Personalize your images with a custom watermark, whether it's your name, a special message, or a unique symbol.

🖋️ Signature Drawing: Add a personal touch with signature drawing. Leave your mark on the photo by drawing your signature directly on the image.

🌐 International Time Format: Choose from a variety of date and time formats to suit your preferences or conform to regional standards.

📷 High-Quality Images: Capture high-resolution photos with the timestamp and watermark, ensuring clarity and detail in every shot.

🔄 Editable Timestamps: Made a mistake or need to adjust the timestamp? Easily edit or remove timestamps on your photos after they're taken.

🌈 Color and Style Options: Customize the appearance of your timestamp, watermark, and signature with various color and style options. Match your personal aesthetic or make it stand out.

Timestamp Camera is the ultimate tool for those who want to enhance their photo memories with a professional and personal touch. Download now and start capturing moments with precision and creativity!

Note: Some features may require additional permissions, such as location access.
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-iyl, 2024

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