Painted Rocks

26 ta sharh
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#1 App for Painted Rocks Tracking

Have you stumbled across a painted rock with a message of kindness or encouragement?

Finding a rock that makes you smile or delivers an inspirational message can be the difference between a bad day and a great day!

Painted rocks with inspirational messages are all around us now as thousands of rock painters have hidden their creations in the wild.

How do you find painted rocks? How do you track rocks you’ve painted and hidden for others to discover?

Our NEW Painted Rocks App helps you do both!

Using our unique Rock Locator Map you can find those gems of inspiration hidden in parks, hiking trails, rest stops, playgrounds, and other places in your community. Painted rocks are identified with special pins. Tap on a pin to see an image of the rock and learn about its creator and its history.

You can also use the Rock Locator Map to find Painted Rock Gardens where rock creators have hidden dozens, sometimes even hundreds of painted rocks for others to find or exchange.

If you’re a rock painter, our Painted Rocks App will help you track your rock and follow its journey as it brings joy and comfort to all those who find it.
Painted Rocks make the world a better place because they inspire acts of kindness and joy.

Within the Painted Rocks App, you’ll be able to:

- Share your painted rocks with the world
- Attach tracking codes to your rocks to follow their journey
- Write a “mission” or goal for your painted rock so others know what to do
- Drop a pin on a map where your painted rocks are located so other users can find them

- Locate painted rocks on our Rock Locator Map
- Examine the rock’s timeline, a history of where that rock has traveled, who created it and when
- Find Painted Rock Gardens where you can choose from dozens or even hundreds of painted rocks to add to your collection
Oxirgi yangilanish
12-may, 2022

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24 ta sharh

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Bug fixes and library updates.