The Tribez & Castlez

Reklamalar mavjudIlova ichida xaridlar
210 ming ta sharh
1 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

Bu oʻyin haqida

Get ready for unforgettable adventures in the world of Tribez & Castlez!
As the ruler of a kingdom, you will face various challenges throughout the game. Some are peaceful, like having to build a village, plant a garden or repair a barnyard. Others will require you to improve your castle defense, protect the manor from attacks, and craft weapons and tools for your people. Your long-term objective is to bring your settlement to prosperity by farming the lands, developing your town and fighting enemies! Fight vicious villains, numerous fearful creatures and even a unique monster!
This Game is available for download absolutely FREE!


This game works in offline mode without Internet so you can play it on a plane, in the subway or on the road. Enjoy!

Enjoy a unique parallax effect on you device! It’s more than just a moving background; it creates a sense of dimension and the illusion of depth.
Uncover the endless secrets of the magic game world in deep dungeons, high towers, and abandoned wastelands.

Protect your kingdom from vicious Gobools, powerful Trollums, and a unique ancient beast, among other fearful creatures.

Rebuild your kingdom: construct Sawmills and Factories, cultivate grapes and eggplants, breed pigs and sheep, farm the lands and reap the harvest.

Develop your country by building fortified towers to protect your subjects and creating statues and fountains to boost your influence.

Collect and Conquer: hundreds of rare magic items will add to your treasury and help you enlist the help of legendary heroes.

Experience beautiful graphics and sound.

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Dear friends!
We have fixed small bugs and made improvements to the game again. Game performance has improved on some devices. We look forward to the moment when you see our new features. Be sure to update the game to plunge into the atmosphere of mystery and adventure!